Approaches to dance education 2
Tuesday 8 - 11:30-13:00
Scholarly papers
Room: 403
Chair: Charlotte Svendler Nielsen
Nicole Harbonnier- Topin
Comparative study of two systems: Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) and Functional Analysis of the Dancing Body (AFCMD)
Karen Barbour
Pedagogical transformations: integrating contemporary dance and yoga in the dance studio
Eeva Anttila
Dance as embodied learning: communities in motion
Archiving body and dance
Tuesday 8 - 11:30-13:00
Panel and scholarly paper
Room: 307
Chair: Catherine Limbertie
Imogen Smith; Lynn Matluck Brooks
Dancing in the Archives: Creating and Using Dance Research Collections
Alison Bory
Archiving the body, the body as archive: postmodern dance as acts of memory
Dance education & training
Tuesday 8 - 11:30-13:00
Pecha Kucha
Room: 405
Chair: Linda Caldwell
Hiroki Koba
The standardisation of dance education in the United States
Jose Rodrigues
The influence of previous experience as an expert dance performer on dance teaching
Yuko Hatano
Recent research trends and future outlooks in dance education in Japan
Shan-Ni Liao
The impact of the Special Education Act Amendment on a dance course in an elementary school in Taiwan
Annemari Autere
Vertical and horizontal lines of energy in classical ballet turnout
Jennifer Petrie
Current trends in music and dance education in senior secondary schools in Ghana through a multiple case-study approach
Dance across borders 2
Tuesday 8 - 11:30-13:00
Scholarly papers
Room: 406
Chair: Anne Flynn
Annalisa Piccirillo
Postcolonial body-archives: disseminating choreographic gestures
Alysia Ramos
Evolving traditions and invented communities in African dance: an ethnology of African dance cultures in New York and Salt Lake City
Stephanie Burridge
Transposition, transference and re-creation across generations and traditions
Diverse choreographic practices
Tuesday 8 - 11:30-13:00
Performative presentations
Room: 401
Chair: Joanne Butterworth
Robin Conrad
A dance-based project in response to an exhibit based on the book, Half the Sky, by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn
Paula Alexandra Lay
Acts of embodiment and imagination in the practice of performance