International Choreolab is designed for four emerging and mid-career choreographers to work intensively for almost one week under the mentorship of CNDC Director Robert Swinston and another internationally known choreographer (to be announced) resulting in a public showing of works in progress. Several dancers with various dance backgrounds and skills will work with each choreographer. Two scholars will document the process of this project.

Please note that the registration fee for all successful applicants will be waived. All other costs, including travel, are the responsibility of the recipient. CNDC will provide lodging for the four choreographers. The dancers and scholars are responsible for the costs of their accommodation. Also, the project is quite intensive in effort and time. During the whole summit, the successful applicants might only have little time to attend other presentations except viewing the showcases and evening performances.

Applications for the mentored CHOREOGRAPHER should include:

  1. Name, phone number, email address, mailing address
  2. Institution affiliation or individual
  3. Bio of no more than 150 words
  4. Statement of the perceived benefits from engagement in the Choreolab, no more than 250 words
  5. *A link to an online video of a work sample, 8-10 minutes of one or two works.
  6. CV, focusing on dance training, choreography, awards and/or review
  7. Any other applications for the WDA Global Summit? If yes, please state which one(s).
*The video sample must be:
  • clear (not too dark)
  • showing group work, not solo work, as this is what the tasks will be about
  • sufficient in length for judging the resolution of a choreographic idea.

Applications for Choreolab DANCER should include:

  1. Name, phone number, email address, mailing address
  2. Institution affiliation or individual
  3. Bio of no more than 150 words
  4. Statement of the perceived benefits from engagement in the Choreolab, no more than 150 words
  5. A link to an online video of dancing sample, 8 minutes maximum. The dancing sample must be: 
  • clear
  • easy to recognize the applicant in the sample
  • CV, focusing on the dance training, performance experiences, awards and/or reviews
  • Include any other applications for the WDA Global Summit. If yes, please state which one(s).

Applications for the SCHOLAR should include:

  1. Name, phone number, email address, mailing address
  2. Institution affiliation or individual
  3. Bio of no more than 150 words
  4. Statement of how this project may contribute to the applicant's ongoing scholarly enquiries, no more than 250 words.
  5. Two research writing samples
  6. CV, focusing on the dance training, choreography, awards and/or reviews
  7. Any other applications for the WDA Global Summit. If yes, please state which one(s).
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