Conference presenter guideline


We invite all presenters to familiarise themselves with guidelines for the type of presentation event they are conducting at the 2014 World Dance Alliance Global Summit (WDAGS) in Angers, France. These guidelines, as part of the agreement with CNDC and the University of Angers, were developed so that all presenters have a fair and equal share in the facilities and time provided for each program in the Global Summit. It is the presenters’ responsibility to familiarise themselves with this information and adhere to the strict times allocated to each presentation.

Please note that all venues are non-smoking. It is forbidden to smoke (tobacco and electronic cigarettes) on the CNDC or University of Angers premises in conformity with French law. It is also forbidden to bring food and drink (with the exception of water) into the lecture theatres, seminar rooms or studios.

WDA Global Summit participants are required to respect the safety instructions issued by relevant staff of the university or CNDC. WDA, CNDC, University of Angers and their representatives are not liable for any loss or damage to personal items at any of the venues or accommodation.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the general guidelines, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Please check the website regularly for additional information and updates as they become available.

Conference presenters

  • Presenters must ensure that they do not exceed the allocated presentation time (see below for particular formats).
  • Papers cannot to be read in full. Presenters must précis their arguments to fit the allocated time.
  • We strongly encourage presenters to prepare accompanying slides to enhance their presentation and to assist delegates who may be listening in a second or third language. Please note that using too much text on slides or text with small font (minimum recommended is 18-20 point) can distract the viewer from your presentation. Please also be aware that certain colours are not easily read (such as black text on a red background) so please use contrasting colours.
  • Seminar rooms are set up in the standard lecture presentation arrangement and hold between 25 and 40 people. There is a large lecture theatre in which keynote, plenary and other special presentations will be held.
  • Each seminar room is equipped with a computer, data projector, cables and screen.
  • Microphones will not be provided in small seminar rooms, but they will be provided for presentations in the large lecture hall.
  • Presenters must only use the university computer in the allocated room and bring a USB drive to upload on the day with another backup on hand. You cannot rely on a video link in case the internet goes down; therefore, any digital footage needs to be copied onto a DVD to play from university computers or be available on the USB drive. Please test materials prior to arrival on both Macs and PCs to make sure they will work on both.
  • There is no time to set up your own computer due to tight scheduling. There can be no exceptions to this!
  • Each presentation will have a session chair who will facilitate and assist presenters in managing their time and in fielding questions.


Scholarly Presentations

  • Scholarly presenters will have 20 minutes each to present, with 10 minutes for discussion and questions.
  • Scholarly presentations will be grouped together in two or three presentations based around a common theme during the 90-minute session to generate dialogue and discourse between presenters and the audience.
  • Questions and discussion will either occur at the end of each paper or be grouped at the end, as decided by the chair in consultation with presenters. • There will be up to 8 parallel Conference presentations for each timeslot.
  • Due to the large number of presentations (around 200) we cannot accommodate special requests for program timetabling. However, we will ensure that those presenters in more than one category or program will be considered.

Panel Presentations

  • Panels with up to 4 presenters will be allotted 90 minutes and those with more than 4 presenters will be allocated two hours.
  • Panel presenters will need to arrange their own timing through the Panel Chair as they may prefer a discussion format rather than more formal presentations. Normally the Panel Chair will be the presenter who submitted the original abstract.

Performative Presentations

  • Please note that Performative Presentations are allocated a total of 30 minutes, comprising video footage not to exceed 15 minutes maximum, with accompanying verbal/slide contextualisation of the project, and 5 minutes set aside for questions.
  • Presenters will not be able to alter the seating or space, and will have very limited space for any live demonstration of movement.
  • Given time restraints, please consider 3-4 major points you can make in your presentation and the way in which your visuals specifically address these points.

Pecha Kucha Presentations

Pecha Kucha provides a special format for graduate students to present aspects of their research in a clear and concise manner. This format is specifically designed for researchers presenting proposals within a limited time frame.

  • You will need to prepare a presentation of 20 slides only, with each slide timed to transition to the next after 20 seconds (you will not use a mouse to change your slides). Please see resources below for templates if needed.
  • Your entire presentation will be no longer than 7 minutes. Your first slide can be a title slide and your last slide should list 5-7 references, APA format, supporting your research. Before you come to your scheduled presentation, please bring your Powerpoint (or similar, e.g. Prezzi) presentation on a USB drive, and include at least one extra back-up USB).
  • Please come to your allocated room 20 minutes prior to your presentation so it can be uploaded to the university computer beforehand.
  • There will be a 3-minute discussion period after each presenter. There will be no more than 8 presentations in each 90-minute session. By adhering to these guidelines, we will be able to move smoothly from one presenter to the next in a timely fashion.
  • Importantly, you must rehearse your presentation to ensure your work is within the timeline. In this format, you cannot stop the presentation once it begins!

Resources for Pecha Kucha history, downloading templates, and examples

  • You can directly download a Powerpoint template here.
  • You can also work with the attached files provided in the body of the email accompanying these instructions (these are saved as separate files) or you can create your own PowerPoint template that follows the required guidelines.

Websites for Overview and History of PK:

  • Pronunciation: Petcha Koocha (common) or Pet chachka (closer to original Japanese pronunciation)
  • Guide to Making a Pecha Kucha Presentation: Overview
  • Guide to Making a Pecha Kucha Presentation: Videos
  • The art of concise presentations
  • Examples of Pecha Kucha Presentations

Links for Creative Common images for public use if needed:

  • Finding images without breaking copyright
  • Xpert
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