Salsa and the city: A case study on a Glaswegian ‘community’ |
Samba de Roda: The liminal condition of the body |
Science and dance collaboration: transforming vision, knowledge and dreams |
Self, body, culture: Constructions of embodied Identity in Balinese trance-possession |
Sensitizing performance: Feminist dance theatre in Bangladesh |
Sharing the place to dance: partners in contact improvisation |
Situated vagrancy: indeterminacy and site-specific performance |
Skin city: Globalised spectatorship within immersive dance practice |
The Aporia of Hybridity: Exploring the nexus of traditional and contemporary forms |
The connective power of dance...when movement and breath unite...Red Shoes Dance Project |
The contemporary in contemporary dance: presence, performativity, materiality in several trans-modern works |
The dance performer: knowledges and métiers |
The documentation of Anna Teresa de Keersmaeker's choreography |
The flesh is the stage: the impact of dance practices on spectator experiences within an immersive theatre production |
The future of dance in contemporary Mexico: Dance as a medium for promoting health, happiness and collaborative creativity |
The Impact of the Special Education Act Amendment on a Dance Course in an Elementary School in Taiwan |
The influence of previous experience as an expert dance performer on dance teaching |
The National High School Dance Festival, USA: A reflection on past festivals and possibilities for the future |
The Odyssey: The (Re) Making the Odissi Dance Cannon |
The Pedagogy of The Observed: How Does Surveillance Technology Influence Dance Studio Education? |
The Popularization of Folk Dance in Contemporary Taiwan |
The porosity of practice: Lineage, influence and authorship in contemporary dance |
The possible relevance of Asian mind-body practices in tertiary dance education |
The Reinvention of Tradition in Contemporary Chinese Dance Creations (1980 - 2010) |
The Science of Art: How kinesiology, computation, and Kinect may reveal the “code” that transforms movement into dance |
The standardisation of dance education in the United States |
Thinking choreographic pedagogy: an interview with two TNUA choreography teachers |
Towards Critical Afropean Choreographies: Potential, Limits and (In)Capacities in the Circulation of Afro-Diasporic Dance Cultures in Italy |
Transition from ballroom to stage : creation and tradition |
Transposition, Transference and Re-Creation across Generations and Traditions |